Mural at Bde Maka Ska Parkway
MPRB has launched a mural project that will beautify park walls, celebrate the park system and park users, help reduce the amount of graffiti in the park system, reduce reactionary maintenance efforts required for graffiti removal, and collaborate with local artists. Installing murals is a proven method to reduce or eliminate tagging or vandalism. Nine artists have been selected to install artists in 2023. The artists are nationally and internationally renowned and all have local ties to Minneapolis. Each artist was paired with a site and a goal from Parks for All, the MPRB Comprehensive Plan to represent in their mural.
Our Artist: Thomasina TopBear @ Bde Maka Ska Wall representing Goal 6: Strengthen ecological connections
The mural locations, represented in the map will be finalized according to the following criteria:
Visible to the public
Based on walls or sites in need of routine maintenance related to graffiti removal
Located in highly visited spaces
Owned and maintained by the Park Board
Distributed across all five service areas
Aligned with master plan
Includes surface or material compatible with mural medium
Recommended by community and staff
In 2023, the murals will be focused on the new MPRB comprehensive plan, Parks for All . The murals will bring the pages of the plan to life in the parks, build awareness about MPRB's vision, and foster a culture of accountability to the new vision by shining a light on the new community informed goals. All mural concepts and sites will be developed in collaboration with local artists and MPRB staff.
The mural is underway! Check it out on Bde Maka Ska Parkway and follow us on Instagram at @westmakaska as we share updates of Thomasina’s great work!