Together we make better happen.

We are your neighborhood council. Driven by a purpose to make our neighborhood and our city better. You are invited to come make a difference. Because it takes all of us to make better happen.

Upcoming events - come join us!

Warm Weather Clothing Drive

We are collecting clothes for Hennepin Healthcare

The West Maka Neighborhood Council, along with Meet Minneapolis, is collecting new, warm winter clothing to donate to Hennepin Healthcare to provide to patients in need. If you are interested in donating, you can drop clothing off at The Bakken Museum until January 6.

View the wishlists here:

Amazon Wish List

Target Wish List


Welcome to West Maka Ska.

We’re West Maka Ska — where people, culture, nature and business have connected for centuries, at the center of everything that makes Minneapolis great. It’s why we’ve chosen to be here.  But our presence here isn’t passive. By actively engaging with our surroundings, we create a diverse, dynamic community. Celebrating our legacy, caring for our resources, working together for a common good and letting all voices be heard.

Come do good with us.

If you’re passionate about your neighborhood and want to be actively involved, we need your help.

Stay connected.

You don’t have to join the council to stay up to date on all the latest news and events. We’ll keep you posted.


Follow our journey.