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We are your neighborhood council. Driven by a purpose to make our neighborhood and our city better. You are invited to come make a difference. Because it takes all of us to make better happen.
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Bde Maka Ska Boat Launch and Minneapolis Sailing Center Relocation
The Park Board needs your opinion!
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) and the Minneapolis Sailing Center (MSC) are working on a predesign project to relocate the Bde Maka Ska Boat Launch and Sailing Center from the northeast corner of Bde Maka Ska to the northwest corner of the lake. To accommodate this relocation, a portion of West Bde Maka Ska Parkway would be realigned to provide lake-side space for these proposed amenities. This project is guided by the Bde Maka Ska-Lake Harriet Master Plan approved in 2016.
Please Fill Out The Park Board’s Survey Here
Welcome to West Maka Ska.
We’re West Maka Ska — where people, culture, nature and business have connected for centuries, at the center of everything that makes Minneapolis great. It’s why we’ve chosen to be here. But our presence here isn’t passive. By actively engaging with our surroundings, we create a diverse, dynamic community. Celebrating our legacy, caring for our resources, working together for a common good and letting all voices be heard.